looking to automate mindbody & Keap?
BridgeBuddy is the most powerful way to integrate MINDBODY Online & Keap / Infusionsoft.How It Works:
Now you can love your gym/studio/spa/salon even more with the power of Keap / Infusionsoft and MINDBODY combined. We've created a two-way bridge between the two systems, updating and bridging the most recent contact information, purchases, products, classes, attendance, and more.
Once BridgeBuddy is at work on your business, you'll see the benefits of automation magnified, as you capture Keap's automation with MINDBODY's power.
BridgeBuddy can be massaged to meet your unique needs:
Can any sign up, purchase or registration in MINDBODY trigger a Keap / Infusionsoft campaign? | |
Can I start a Keap or Infusionsoft campaign based on a MINDBODY shopping cart purchase? | |
Can I add new clients to MINDBODY when someone buys through my Infusionsoft shopping cart? | |
Can I add a client index in MINDBODY and have it create a tag in Keap / Infusionsoft? | |
Can I sync all my contacts and/or limit it to specific groups? | |
Can I define the fields I want updated, including custom fields? | |
Can I create custom field mapping between both systems? | |
Can I choose the frequency of updates between the two systems? | |
Can I start a Keap or Infusionsoft campaign when only 2 classes remain in a customer's package? (Beta) | |
Can I run a Keap or Infusionsoft campaign based on a customer attending a certain class? (Beta) | |
If a customer opts out in a MINDBODY communication, will it update in Keap / Infusionsoft? |
Bridge Only
Setup Fee- $99
Monthly Fee - $79/mo
- Unlimited Bridges between MINDBODY & Keap.
- We'll help you configure your Bridges.
Consulting + Bridge
Setup Fee - $2500
Monthly Fee - $79/mo
- Unlimited Bridges between MINDBODY & Keap.
- We'll help setup your bridges and 7 essential Keap / Infusionsoft campaigns.
Schedule a Free Consult
Yep, we've got a bridge for that!
- Bridge functionality includes, syncing contacts, purchase actions, and attendance actions.